Yesterday was our homeschool group's graduation ceremony. We have a semi-traditional graduation ceremony, with the seniors in black caps and gowns, entering the auditorium to the strains of "Pomp & Circumstance", played by the homeschool band. The ceremony begins with a prayer and then the presentation of the colors and the National Anthem. The guest speaker this year was Dr. Pete Schemm, Dean of the College at Southeastern College at Wake Forest. He is also a homeschool dad with eight kids. He spoke on living a life of integrity. The best part of the ceremony is the presentation of the diplomas, when the parents get to take 3 minutes to brag, pray, challenge, reminisce, or congratulate their son or daughter, who in turn honors his or her mother with a rose. This is such a touching and heartfelt time, and sets a homeschool graduation apart from its institutional counterpart. Next comes the PowerPoint Slide show of 6-8 pictures of each graduate, from babyhood to the present, set to contemporary Christian music selected by the seniors. Finally, the graduating class stands in front of the room filled with family and friends and turns their tassles. This is kind of like the moment when the groom gets to kiss the bride at the end of the wedding ceremony! The newly graduated students exit as the band plays, and form a receiving line in the lobby. Everyone gathers for cake and punch in the fellowship hall, and then heads home for a family celebration or dinner or open house, as volunteers from the support group handle clean up at the church.
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