Monday, June 21, 2010

Do You See God?

My friend, Eileen, is one of my heroes. She is a mom of 9 children - 3 biological, 5 legally adopted, and 1 heart-adopted.  Her heart-adopted son, Solomon, is an Ethiopian teen who was orphaned and sent to live in the Kolfe Orphanage in Addis Ababa at age 7.  In November 2007, Eileen, her husband, and daughter were in Addis to bring home their 3 adopted babies. They visited Kolfe Orphanage one day, and were delighted by the polite, attentive boys who gave them a tour of their home. One 16-year-old boy in particular stuck out to Eileen, and she gave him her email address when she left, encouraging him to write. He did, and that started an email relationship that blossomed  into Solomon becoming a heart-adopted member of the family!  For the last 2 1/2 years, Eileen has been in pursuit  of either a way for Solomon to make a living in Ethiopia or a way to bring Solomon here.  Several months ago, Eileen made an appointment to talk with the president of the Christian college here in town.  She explained how she met this young man, how he had come to know the Lord and His love through their correspondence and had applied himself to his studies, graduating top in his class last fall. The college president decided to give Solomon a full scholarship to come study  for the ministry, and issued him a student visa.  The last hurdle was for the American Embassy in Ethiopia to approve the visa. This was a BIG hurdle. Orphans are not considered good candidates for such things, and are routinely denied. All the paperwork was assembled.  Solomon had his interview at the Embassy and they said.... we'll call you in a few weeks to let you know.  WHAT?
That doesn't happen.  Pray pray pray pray pray.

Today the call came that Solomon's visa was approved, and he arrives in Raleigh on Wednesday!!!

There is going to be a PARTY at the airport.  Pictures will be coming.

Do you see God?  How else does this happen?

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