Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I've added my weekly menu to the sidebar, instead of as a post. I'm struggling a bit to come up with a menu each week that is healthy and cheap. We are trying to keep grocery costs down to under $200 a week, and to do that I have to really weigh each purchase. Things will be easier in a couple of weeks when Eric is gone at camp all week, eating THEIR food. There will be a couple of weeks when most or all of the kids will be gone, at least during the day! I should be able to stock up on paper goods , toiletries, and staples on those weeks, because I won't have to spend as much on meals!

1 comment:

Faye Creech said...

Looks like a great menu (again!). How is the grinding and bread making going? I still haven't purchased my mill but have (I think) finally settled on the model we want to buy. Let me know how it's going with you and come and visit soon (I will have some plums and tomatoes ready to pick before long, Lord willing).