Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Mom to the Rescue!

My kids may be all grown up and living out in the wild on their own, but sometimes they still need mom.  Thank goodness! 

My 26-yr-old called me the other day to tell me that he was dying with the flu.  Well, not exactly dying, but he felt the worst he has in years and years.  So dying.  Fever. Cough. Chills. Nausea. The flu.

And like most young guys living in a townhouse with 2 other twenty-something  guys, they had very little in the way of medicine or wellness supplies.  So I pulled stuff out of my cabinet and fridge, made a trip to the store, and packed up a Rescue Bag to bring to my boy.

When I am sick, I use pharmaceuticals sparingly, and also food, essential oils, homeopathic remedies, and other homemade remedies that I have read about and had good experience with.  Here is what I brought in addition to a few basic meds.  

  • Oscillococcinum -  this homeopathic remedy from Boiron can be found in drug stores and online;  it treats flu symptoms and it WORKS!
  • Fresh-squeezed lemon juice mixed with honey and ginger :  ginger eases nausea; lemon juice loosens mucous and is boosts the immune system; honey soothes the throat, reduces coughs, and boosts the immune system
  •  Healthy homemade "Gatorade" Electrolyte drink  -  electrolytes are essential minerals in your body, like salt, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous; they are key for maintaining your nervous system and muscle function and help your body to stay hydrated, and are lost when throwing up and sweating profusely;   Gatorade drinks are full of not-so-good ingredients, but homemade electrolyte drinks are simple and much healthier!  Mix coconut water with some juice (I used organic pineapple and lemon juice), honey, and salt.
  • Iodine-Saline nasal spray -  purchase or add 1/4 tsp povidone iodine to 3oz (88ml) bottle of saline nasal spray - keeps mucous in nasal passages flowing and iodine stops viruses from replicating
  •  homemade chicken soup with lots of garlic, ginger, onions, carrots  - boosts immune system, reduces inflammation of mucous membranes,
  •  elderberry drops or syrup  - helps reduce length and severity of flu symptoms
  • "Thieves" or similar essential oil  - diffusing helps boost immunity, relieves inflammation and loosens mucous in nose and chest
  •  Melatonin - antiviral - reduces severity of symptoms
  • Vitamins C, D3 w/ K,  zinc, quercetin, NAC  - boosts immune system, reduces length and severity of symptoms