Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Summer of Recovery - 2024

 We have turned the calendar page to September, so even though it is officially still summer until the 21st, mentally I have flipped from summer to fall - which is also my favorite season!   The weather here in North Carolina has cooperated wonderfully, giving us highs in the 70's and low 80's, with a break in the humidity as well.  Hallelujah!   Since I have lived here for over 30 years, I know very well that this is likely "False Fall", and we still have some hot and humid days ahead before the weather really commits to the cooler season.  That's okay.  I'm enjoying what I can get!

The summer was a whirlwind, but a lot of it was spent in recovery from a hip replacement surgery in June and neck surgery in August. (warning - incision pics!) 

Healing is going well, although I am impatient and want it to all be done now.  



But there is still swelling to come down and nerves that need to wake back up.  But I am grateful for successful procedures with no surprises, caring nurses, and a patient and caring husband who is living out the "for better or for worse, in sickness and in health" part of our marriage vows. 

An unexpected surprise this summer was a new puppy. There is a long story that goes with this, but Rosie is my daughter's Golden Retriever puppy who came to our house at 9 weeks and is living with us, perhaps temporarily and perhaps permanently - it remains to be seen.  But she is sweet and sassy and has been much fun and a great distraction from pain and boredom this summer!  It has been a very long time since we had a puppy, so we are learning as much as we can as fast as we can, about puppy training, feeding, health, etc. 


We got to take a quick trip up north at the end of July to visit family and friends.   Rosie went to stay with her "other mom" while we drove up to Connecticut  and Massachusetts for a class reunion house party (hubby and I went to high school together and graduated the same year), to visit my mom, sister and brother, and go out to eat with Mark's sister and brother.  We made sure to fit in a stop at George's Surf & Turf in Mendon for whole clams, onion rings, a lobster roll, and lime rickeys! 

I didn't get to go to the pool with my grandsons or see them as much as I would have liked, but I did get a couple of Grammie Fun Days in with the 4 yr old.  He loves coming to my house and doing crafts, baking, reading books, playing with the toys I have here - and I am ecstatic that I get to make these memories with him, and soon, with his little brother too!  


August is also a big birthday month, with Jason's, Mark's and my birthdays and also our anniversary.